Trafficking of illicit goods by small parcels is growing in significant volumes and is increasingly becoming a complex problem for national governments, law enforcement and brand owners. Criminals exploit both national postal networks as well as express carriers to transport all kinds of illicit goods through these channels. In the recent years, this problem has escalated with online shopping and by e-commerce sellers using posts to send parcels. This has resulted in an increased risk of dangerous goods being introduced into international mail.
TRACIT has established a separate program to mobilize action against illicit parcels transported through postal and express carriers. TRACIT engages with several IGOs to deliver private sector expertise in developing policy measures to mitigate illicit trade. TRACIT is also working with express carriers to understand their security priorities and encourage better due diligence and share information to better intercept illicit parcels. Engagement with Universal Postal Union (UPU)The UPU is a United Nations agency and the primary forum for cooperation and rule-setting by and between the national posts. TRACIT contributes heavily to UPU’s work program on illicit trade to help national posts confront the growing challenge and guard the parcel delivery infrastructure from criminal exploitation.
MEDIA CENTER Featured podcast
TRACIT’s Jeffrey Hardy joined the Universal Postal Union's Voice Mail podcast to discuss the dangers illicit trade presents to postal customers and employees, the costs it incurs on postal infrastructure and the ways to avoid these risks through public-private partnerships and capacity building. Listen on: SoundCloud I Spotify I Apple Podcast |